For Businesses

If you are a business

If you are a business, we put together a list of ideas of what you can do to help. To access this post please email us

List your business on the astrotourism map

If your business is supporting astrotourism and you would like to get it registered on the Wairarapa Dark Sky reserve map, please fill in the form on the post on the left.

Support Wairarapa to maintain its status of
International dark sky reserve

Just because we are a dark sky reserve now does not mean that the title is permanent. Our dark skies are a shared treasure, and their protection requires ongoing effort from all of us.

Whether you are a business looking after dark skies accommodation or activities or a school wanting to implement a local curriculum that includes dark skies, here are some ideas on how to become a bit more dark sky-friendly. 

The Dark Sky Reserve Status needs to be maintained.

Everyone can contribute.

Do you have a question about dark skies or a beautiful photo of the Wairarapa Night Sky to share? 

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