Education Resources

 Dark Sacred Night is a short film about light pollution and why darkness matters, featuring Professor Gaspar Bakos of Princeton’s Department of Astrophysics.

A short overview of light pollution and what it does to us and our environment with Professor John Hearnshaw in an interview by Hari Mogosanu, Carterton Resident.

Find out how many stars are in the sky, why astronomers hate the Moon (true story) and how seeing is the only sense that allows us to see objects furthest away.

What is light pollution?

Light pollution is the human-made alteration of outdoor light levels from those occurring naturally.


Skyglow of Wellington as seen from Wairarapa. Photo Geoff Palmer.


Glare is excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort.


Light trespass is light falling where it is not intended or needed


Light Clutter is bright, confusing, and excessive groupings of light sources

Support Wairarapa to maintain its status of
International dark sky reserve

Just because we are a dark sky reserve now does not mean that the title is permanent. Our dark skies are a shared treasure, and their protection requires ongoing effort from all of us.

Whether you are a business looking after dark skies accommodation or activities or a school wanting to implement a local curriculum that includes dark skies, here are some ideas on how to become a bit more dark sky-friendly. 

The Dark Sky Reserve Status needs to be maintained.

Everyone can contribute.

Do you have a question about dark skies or a beautiful photo of the Wairarapa Night Sky to share? 

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