What's On: Wairarapa's Stellar Space Events

Welcome to our guide to space events in Wairarapa! Whether you're a lifelong space enthusiast or a casual stargazer, www.wairarapa.space is your go-to destination to discover a galaxy of events right here in our region.

Upcoming events

stargazing in wairarapa

Wairarapa is one of the best stargazing places in the world. 

Which is why, it has been recognised as the worlds’ 21st dark sky reserve.

Book your dark sky experiences

Star Safari Observatory

Operating from Ponatahi Road, 11km from Martinborough, Star Safari Observatory is nestled on a ridge east of Greytown and Carterton. It has the best accessible dark sky in the Wairarapa and many telescopes, including two 16″. The observatory is open to the public, or you can book an exclusive experience.

Free for 15 and under and there is no minimum age limit. 


Every day – check availability on the website

The Phoenix Astronomical Society Observatory

Operates on an elevated site east of Carterton. Open for members only. The Society has regular monthly meetings and sessions for viewing with the telescope after the meetings if the weather permits and if operators are available. 

There are also annual star dates.


Monthly meetings, star dates 

Under the Stars

Mobile stargazing tour company. They come to you at your home or holiday accommodation in Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve. They bring everything you need to keep you warm and comfortable while guiding you through the wonders of the night sky.


Check out their availability on their website

Also check out wairarapa's
dark sky-friendly
accomodation providers

We look forward to seeing you in Wairarapa

Thank you to all people and organisations ,
who support our space science communication work

Special thanks to

Jack Newman - Newman Electrical, Ellen Kerssens, Jacinda Johnston, Chrissy Cummings, Olivia Leske, Mariana Mogosanu, Haritoa Waaka, Murray Griffin - FL42 SEALING, James - Lots of Pots, Gayle Page - Suite 22 AirBNB, John Dow

Our fabulous supporters

Carterton District Council, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmāki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust, Destination Wairarapa, Wellington NZ, The Gold Awards, GoCarterton

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